Tuesday, September 1, 2015

September 2015 Letter from Pastor Scott

Time Well Spent                              

 As I have been honored to serve our young men and women in the military for over 30 years now, I have enjoyed sharing with my church congregations how their “support” of my reserve duty has made a difference in the lives of those warriors.  Of course, much of what a chaplain does is confidential, but let me thank all of you for the following opportunities I had over the last two weeks to hold out God’s grace and comfort to some who needed it.

I made a lunch date with an airman whom I have known for quite a few years.  It was an opportunity to catch up on each other’s lives and families.  After about 30 minutes of catching up, it was apparent he needed to talk about something else.  Well, two hours later (sometimes, those long clergy lunch breaks are not just about food!), we ended our visit with a rather long and heartfelt prayer for the myriad of “challenges” in his marriage, parenting and life.  Remember, this is a young man who, a few months from now will probably be hiking the dusty sand of Afghanistan in defense of all you and I hold dear.

I also struck up a conversation with a young airman while running on the track.  She had a large tattoo of a beautiful Christian cross on the back of her neck.  I’m not very good at talking to young girls, but I took that as an open door to ask about her faith.  She was brave enough to admit to the chaplain that she was not as “committed to that symbol” as she was when she first got it.  It wasn’t exactly an “altar call,” but I am sure she went home that night committed to being…more committed.  I especially prayed for her that night, that her growing relationship with her boyfriend might be influenced by her faith.

So…thanks to all of you, for supporting what God does in the lives of some of America’s finest.

Pastor Scott

1 comment:

  1. You are awesome, and YOUR commitment, one to be emulated! Thank YOU for all you do in the lives of America's finest (of whom you are one). Judy
