Wednesday, September 16, 2015


Are you listening and watching closely?  If you're not, you'll miss it...the slow but sure eroding of precious boundaries and standards - those built on Judeo-Christian principles.  I think the word is, "insidious."

I am in no way a follower of beauty pageants.  I have wonderful Christian friends who grew up in pageants, and many whose daughters now compete in them.  I have learned painfully not to debate the value of beauty pageants. 

But now there is this.  The Miss American Pageant (or whoever owns the pageant now) not only invited Vanessa Williams to be a judge and to perform, but in a very warm moment at center-stage, a moment very well-received by the crowd, the pageant apologized to Ms Williams (and her mother in the audience) for "anything that was said or done that made you feel any less the Miss America you have always been, and will always be."

Of course, they were apologizing for stripping her of her crown years ago when nude pictures of her surfaced after the pageant.  I remember when that happened.  I remember being thankful that someone was willing to stand by their boundaries and standards, and that whatever pressure she might have been under at the time, she was easily old enough to know that what she did was wrong.  And, of course to know that, when she entered the pageant, she had already violated their rules.  (I don't have enough space in today's blog to talk about my strong belief in extending God's grace to anyone who is repentant of their sins...including Ms. Williams.)

But on this very day, hundreds (thousands?) of inappropriate pictures will be sent by text from one phone to another, often by those even younger than Ms Williams was back then!  So, after the passing of this many years, and now that "everyone is doing it," the LEAST they should have done is apologize to her!  In fact, was what she did really wrong?

Of course it was.  And, shame (literally) on the pageant for apologizing.  Were they apologizing for hurting her feelings?  For being mean to her?  Were they apologizing for having standards for what it means to be a young woman "worthy" of a crown?  I wonder what they think their apology will communicate to other contestants.  And, if you ever had a chance to convince me that pageants like that one are primarily for the growth, maturity, confidence, character and professional development of young women...sorry. 

When Jesus said, "The truth will set you free," He meant THE truth.  The truth that never changes.  The truth that declares boundaries and standards that are what they are no matter how I feel or what I need.  The truth of the Old and New Testaments without which we will be ruined.  the Truth that He is.

The slope is no longer slippery.  It is a precipitous cliff.  Watch your step...and read your Bible. 

Hmm...maybe those silly conservative churches decades ago who restricted their youth from "mixed bathing (swimming)" were onto something.

Pastor Scott

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