Thursday, April 30, 2015

May 2015 Letter from pastor Scott

The Joy of Uncertainty

We love our routines, don’t we?  I know I do.  Nearly every morning, I do two crossword puzzles from the daily paper.  If I get interrupted and can’t finish, it takes me until at least lunchtime to get over that break in my routine!  Of course, routines can be good.  God in His Word commands that we maintain a life of “holy habits” that keep us close to Him - Bible reading, prayer, tithing, etc.

Well, in one of my holy habits this morning, I was reading “My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers.  From the book of 1 John, he comments on, “It has not yet been revealed what we shall be.”  His words got me thinking about the church.  Take a listen…

“To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation. We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God.  As soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises.”

I love surprises!  But do I love them at my church?  Hmmm…

I think I needed this good word today.

Hungering for Holiness,

Pastor Scott  
Does Proof Actually Exist?

As I type this, some very sketchy information is beginning to come out about the death of Freddy Gray in Baltimore.  Most would call it conjecture because we have not yet heard from the authorities what the investigation shows.

But THAT is the point of my blog today.  Skipping over about 5 paragraphs of critical thinking and reasoning, let me ask, "Who exactly are the authorities?"  I'm afraid the sad answer is, "We each get to choose our own."  Well, to quote C.S. Lewis rather sloppily, "That means YOU are your own authority."  In other words, the only truth that will set me free is the truth with which I agree and that supports my agenda.  Ironically, that premise creates no freedom, but just the opposite - the chains of selfishness.  (And the snake said to the woman, "Surely when you eat of that tree, you will be like God."  Really?  How's that turned out for you?)

In his book, "Slouching Toward Gomorrah," the late Robert Bork pointed at the hippies of the 1960s/70s as the first Americans who aggressively attacked and initiated the dismantling of our trust in institutions, and of course the whole idea of authority.  (It's amazing just how many people and institutions, including the church, can fit onto one bulls-eye by using their favorite title of ridicule, "The Man.") Distorted body counts by an American general in the Vietnam War damaged trust. The Nixon/Watergate scandal helped tear down trust.  And today, pick your party and politician to find more examples than you want of the eroding of trust.  Bork, a faithful Catholic Christian, did not deny that all institutions are flawed.  What he was prophetically warning us of, is just where we are today.  What he saw coming were the scenes on my television from Baltimore.

I accept the medical examiner in Baltimore as an authority, but only because I have first accepted as an Authority, the One who spoke these me. 

"I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live; that you may love the lord your God, that you may obey His voice, and that you may cling to Him for HE is your life..."


Tuesday, April 21, 2015


I've never been on the cutting edge of technology.  Standing on the first tee of a golf course with some buddies years ago, the best player in the group looked down at my driver and said, "You know, Scott, the technology in drivers has come a long way in the last 10 years."  Nothing like being insulted by a buddy for a good cause.  I effectively shared my shame with Nancy when I got home.  Seeing my bottom lip quivering, she just had to agree that I needed a new driver.  Even before that, when I got my first cell phone (about 1990), another buddy smiled and said, "Welcome to the 1980s."

Twenty years ago as a young Air Force chaplain in Tacoma, Washington, I was responsible for about 650 airmen in different squadrons around the base.  I remember sitting at my desk early one morning and wishing I could see every one of them every day.  With apologies to the Apostle Paul, "Lightning struck!!"  I realized each of them had access to email at some point in the day.  I began emailing out a "chaplain's word" about twice a week.  I had created the internet!  Well, maybe not.  I guess I was blogging before blogging was...well...blogging.

It became a strategic way to have a healthy spiritual conversation with my "congregation."  In fact, thanks to technology, it grew well beyond just that initial group.

This blog is that sacred opportunity all over again.  And I cherish the opportunity and the challenge for us to grow in Christ together through this blog.

Hungering for Holiness,


Thursday, April 16, 2015

April 2015 Letter from Pastor Scott

Faithful Friends,
What an Easter Season at Knightsville UM Church!

Besides the wonderful worship and fellowship during this season, our Administrative Council has made a very important decision for the future of our ministry.  We have decided to add a 9:30 worship service on Sunday mornings.  At the time of this printing, we have not decided which weekend we will begin this, but I will announce this at our Easter services.  The timing of our other two services (8:30/11:00) will remain exactly the same.

Most churches have this conversation and make this decision based on a style of music that “young folks” supposedly like.  The music in our new service will be our Praise Team.  However, the most exciting thing about our decision is that it was made, not on the basis of a style of worship, but because we have run out of seats on Sunday morning!!  I have checked the statistics, and when I arrived in early October of last year, the average worship attendance had grown to 145 each Sunday.  This was due to some great work by the previous pastor and all of you.  Well, on two of our most recent Sundays, we had 250 and about 280 in attendance.

I know growth is unsettling at times, but I humbly invite you to celebrate this!!  God is providing us a remarkable opportunity to “DO” all the things we always “SAY” we are committed to – winning folks to Christ and making disciples.  Let’s not let the fear and discomfort of change get in the way of the very reason God has put us in this place. I know there are questions about Sunday School hour(s), especially children’s Sunday School.  This church has been committed to inviting children to know Jesus for a long time.  That will certainly not change, and we will figure out very soon exactly how Sunday School will take place.  I can tell you that it will no doubt require a few more volunteers. 

This is an exciting future God is asking us to embrace.  I very much look forward to it.  Knightsville is a stronger church when you are here.
