The Joy of Uncertainty
We love our routines, don’t we? I know I do.
Nearly every morning, I do two crossword puzzles from the daily paper. If
I get interrupted and can’t finish, it takes me until at least lunchtime to get
over that break in my routine! Of course, routines can be good. God
in His Word commands that we maintain a life of “holy habits” that keep us
close to Him - Bible reading, prayer, tithing, etc.
Well, in one of my holy habits this morning, I was reading
“My Utmost for His Highest” by Oswald Chambers. From the book of 1 John,
he comments on, “It has not yet been revealed what we shall be.” His
words got me thinking about the church. Take a listen…
“To be certain of God means that we are uncertain in all our
ways, not knowing what tomorrow may bring. This is generally expressed with a
sigh of sadness, but it should be an expression of breathless expectation.
We are uncertain of the next step, but we are certain of God. As
soon as we abandon ourselves to God and do the task He has placed closest to
us, He begins to fill our lives with surprises.”
I love
surprises! But do I love them at my church? Hmmm…
think I needed this good word today.
for Holiness,