Friday, January 9, 2015

January 2015 Letter from Pastor Scott

In most weddings I do, I remind folks that marriage is not a man-made institution dreamed up in some far-off culture thousands of years ago.  It is an institution created by the God Whom we worship in the name of Jesus, and intended for one man and one woman “until death parts them.”

But, what is the purpose of marriage?  More poignantly…what is the purpose of YOUR marriage?  In his book “Sacred Marriage,” Gary Thompson asks the question, “What if God created marriage, not primarily to make you happy, but to make you holy?”  That idea is at the heart of our “Sacred Marriage” classes that will begin on January 14.  The classes include a short video presentation by the author.  I will lead a teaching/open conversation time after that.

Beginning on January 14, and each Wednesday night following for about 8 weeks, we will share dinner together (at a nominal cost) between 5:30 and 6:30.  The class will begin as dinner concludes and last about an hour.   We will provide food and childcare for all children.

Whether you have been married one year or 60 years, or even if you are hoping to be married (or re-married!) someday, I strongly encourage you to come.  This class rescues us from a “needs-based” and “happiness-oriented” understanding of marriage.

I encourage you to go online and purchase the book, “Sacred Marriage” as well as the student workbook, and make plans to join Nancy and me for this class.

Please call the church (875-2117) and let Janice know if you’re planning to attend.


Pastor Scott

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